The Getting Into Sport MyFund, a fund of the Inner North Community Foundation, was established in 2022 by Jenny Vaughan, a local resident.

The purpose of the MyFund is to increase the participation of women, girls, gender diverse and non-binary people in sporting activities in Melbourne’s Inner North (municipalities of Darebin and Merri-bek and Yarra).

About this fund

It is well known that men and boys have greater levels of continued participation in sport. Women are more likely to be insufficiently active [59% compared to 50% for men] and less likely to play sport. Young people reap numerous benefits from participating in sports, including improved health and self-esteem. Research suggests the reasons for this disparity include; a lack of fun, cost barriers and cultural messages that tell girls in subtle and not-so-subtle ways that sports are for boys. Two-thirds of Australian teenage girls said playing sports makes them feel more confident. However, half quit sports by the age of 17, Suncorp’s 2019 Australian Youth and Confidence Research.

The Getting into Sport MyFund, has supported 11 clubs since 2022 in delivering sporting programs, that are low to no cost, and tailored in strengthening areas identified that will support retention including creating inclusive and supportive coaching strategies. To find out more about these programs see the Getting into Sport MyFund 2023 update. In 2024 the MyFund will grant to a further five clubs with multi-year commitments for two years.

The Getting into Sport MyFund strengthens participation by covering the costs of:

  • Registration and club fee charges
  • Cost of uniform and equipment
  • Registration of competition fees
  • Transport costs for sporting competitions
  • Hire costs for grounds
  • Volunteer skills training, such as first aid and coaching courses

If you are interested in finding out more about this initiative and would like to support addressing barriers to participation of sport, please contact our office. If you would like to contribute to a sporting club actively engaged in increasing participation to sport please consider donating to the Getting into Sport MyFund.